To the Future Home of ...
Think With The Heart

If any part of an equation is left out -
the formula isn't complete.

When we separate ourselves
 in any way ... from any thing,
for any reason ...

Or ...
 When we make something greater,
something less,
  something better,
     something worse ...

If We Are Wise ...
we will realize that
where we separate,
is where we need to
re-evaluate our conclusions.

What is shared here
is not totally about the intellect
nor is it totally about the heart.

For in truth,
it is in uniting the two
that opens the door to much more
than either can accomplish alone.

When the heart & mind are combined -
they are the most powerful
instruments and gifts we have.

Happiness is our natural state
but it is something that
must be chosen in every moment
 we enter into.

Whether you know it or not ...
you are simply waiting for
yourself to Love.

Where ever or when ever
you aren't happy -
your life experiences are
guiding you to Love.

You, yourself are creating all
the situations you are experiencing
because you are
seeking to express Love.

What you search for is found
when you realize
it is all about calling this Love
out of yourself

Your feelings are co-creating
with your thoughts
and they are bringing specific
life experiences to you.

What area of life are you insecure in?

What area of life is challenging you?

What are you upset about?

What are you primarily thinking
and feeling about yourself? Others?

The situations you find yourself in?
Who bothers you?

 What is going on with you physically?

What is going on in you
mentally & emotionally?

 What are you thinking & feeling
into existence?

And most important ...
what is it that you aren't
understanding that could change
your whole life experience?

Until this site is up and running ...
please visit "Counselor of the Heart" -

Counselor of the Heart
Helping you understand how
to experience your heart's desire
in every area of life.

Opening you to the celebration
of what your life can truly be.

Counselor of the Heart -
All Rights Reserved.  
© 2001 - 2019
Author, spiritual counselor,
spiritual advisor & life coach
teaches a genuine path to
enlightenment and healing using
a profound understanding of life.